Torrent download slows down at the end

 · As it reaches the end and there are only like 5 pieces left, since the number of people you are downloading from decreases the total speed decreases. It really depends on the seeders on the torrent though. If there is a seeder with capability to upload at crazy speeds you will see less of .  · I get pretty good rates throughout most downloads, reaching from 1,0 MB/s to 2,0 MB/s most times. The problem is that I only get a good rate from 0% to about 95% completion. When I get to 95%, the rate drops big time: about 20 KB/s to 50 KB/s until completion, thus taking 3 times longer to complete a download. This happers almost to all torrents.  · Slow torrent downloads are commonly caused by a few factors. Some are under your control (router issues, port forwarding, and misconfigured settings in your torrent client (uTorrent, QBittorrent etc). Other causes, like blocking or throttling by .

Recently i download a file (5GB) my download speed was normal ~ kbps but today i downloaded another file and it becam ~10kbps i dont know why but my internet is fine i can download files at normal speed w/o the use of bittorrent but when i try to torrent something the download speed dramatically drops. On 2/1/ at PM, pir8skin said: When adding a new torrent either manually or from RSS, utorrent will start to download the files (in the mbits, with plenty of availability) before slowing down gradually and then stopping all together. When this happens, and I open task manager, I can see that utorrent is using a lot of memory. Torrents are downloaded to your computer piece by piece. Once complete, the pieces form a whole, but that is never achieved if the download never completes. Torrents that are stuck at 99 per cent completion can be extremely frustrating, as some can take days to download to that point and then not complete.

When you're near the end of the download, there will be fewer download chunks left to download than there are content server connections, so connections will have to start to go idle, and your download speed will go down. The problem starts when some files or parts are not available or are located on slower servers than the rest of the data. They are left for the very end, since the program hopes they will be available by the time the rest of the files are done loading. In some cases, they do not increase availability and you can only get as much bandwidth. Well, one thing's for sure, when I download the debian iso on a windows version of utorrent, I get a steady 1,6 MB/s until the very end (I tried it several times, and the results are consistent) so I'm quite certain that the torrent availability isn't the problem here.


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