Data Transfer from PS4™ consoles to PS5™ consoles. Transferring data won't overwrite or delete data on your PS5 console or PS4 console. During initial PS5 console setup, you can transfer data for multiple players. After the initial setup is done, you can transfer data for one signed-in account at a time. · If an account has downloaded content on its "Primary Switch", any other account on that Switch can access it. If an account has downloaded content on a Switch that is not registered as "Primary", no other account can access it. Thus, sharing games works the same way on the Switch as it does on the bltadwin.rus: 1. · People will be able to play your downloaded games using their own accounts if the PS4 is set as your account's primary PS4. This would mean that when you get a PS4 Pro, it would not be your primary Operating System: PS4.
Highlight Download and press X. It's in the bottom-left area of the screen. The game will now download to your PS4. If the option displays a price and reads Add to Cart instead of Download, you don't currently own a digital license for this buy it, select Add to Cart and then Proceed to Checkout on the next screen to complete the purchase. Limitations: This method of sharing only applies to digital games and apps. The sharing of disc games will still require you to physically lend your discs to others. Scenario: The Primary status set by Ethan on PS4 (B) has to be maintained to allow continued access to KatieABC and Sarah If Ethan switches the Primary status back and makes. After the download is finished you can revert to your own account as primary and continue playing the games. You also need to make sure you don't delete your friend's account from your PS4.
No. Games are tied to a specific account and are not transferable. Not only can you not transfer games from one account to another, you cannot transfer from a "master" account to one of it's "sub" accounts and visa versa. In other words, if I bought a game, I could not give ownership to any of my child accounts. Yes. The game is bought by a specific account (your account) so you can play the game after downloading it to the ps4 which you have logged in to. just know that only the primary device that is linked to your account allows all the users to play that games. Otherwise only your profile can play it. People will be able to play your downloaded games using their own accounts if the PS4 is set as your account's primary PS4. This would mean that when you get a PS4 Pro, it would not be your primary.