Android podcast downloads location

I'm using Stitcher free version of the Android app. Its strange I will listen to a podcast but the picture showing will be of the last podcast I listened to. By default, Google Podcasts removes downloaded episodes: 24 hours after you finish them. 30 days after you download them. To change these settings: On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Podcasts app. At the bottom, tap Home. At the top right, tap . How to change the location of downloaded podcasts Background. Several Android devices offer support for multiple storage cards - usually one internal (non-removable) and one external (removable). Currently Android provides an official support for only one storage card, and each device exposes the second storage card in a slightly different way.

Castbox. Price: Free / Up to $ Castbox is one of a few free podcast apps. It boasts a collection of over one million podcasts scrubbed from places like iTunes and others. The app also. Scroll down to Find Downloaded Episodes. Tap the pencil icon next to the section title and scroll to the episode you wish to delete. Tap the three dots to the right of the episode. Tap Delete to remove the episode from your saved episodes. If you'd like to delete multiple episodes, you can tap the edit button in the upper right hand corner of. The first free podcast app for Android easy for anyone to use. The Podcast App is the easiest way to find, save and listen to all your favorite podcasts. Discover new podcasts and learn about any topic from news, education, comedy, politics to religion, crime and many more. Enjoy popular shows like: This American Life Podcast.

Change Download Settings Within the Apps. Just about all apps that create media files – such as your phone’s built-in camera app, podcast apps and voice recorders – will feature internal options to change the location where you want to save your podcasts, photos, recordings, whatever. BeyondPod Settings General Settings Podcast Download Folder; As part of the switch, BeyondPod will move all downloaded episodes from your current location to the new (external) location. You can use the same process to move the download folder back to the internal SD card if needed. Troubleshooting. The first free podcast app for Android easy for anyone to use. The Podcast App is the easiest way to find, save and listen to all your favorite podcasts. Discover new podcasts and learn about any topic from news, education, comedy, politics to religion, crime and many more. Enjoy popular shows like: This American Life Podcast.


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