· [Download the latest version of Buddy] - Older versions of Buddy may have bugs that have been fixed, make sure you have the latest version. [Make sure you Extracted the Archive with no errors] - Use 7zip or WinRar to ensure your extraction works properly. [Delete all Mods/Addons] - Manually delete all mod files and addons from your game directory. Blade Soul NC Launcher 2 "Failed to Download The File" Fix. I managed to resolve the "failed to download the file" issue by adjusting something in my security solution. For me Bitdefender was causing issues with downloading updates for the launcher (when using the launcher downloaded from the BS website), and when downloading/updating the game. I'm trying to download the game but unfortunately after it shows this massage-''[Update Error] Cannot download file. Please restart the Launcher. If this pro.
The new Launcher installation file is NCLauncher2_bltadwin.ru That is the file you want to use to install the new NC Launcher. The old Launcher installation file is BnS_Launcher_bltadwin.ru Do not use BnS_Launcher_bltadwin.ru I also tried to add the following line [ bltadwin.ru] in my hosts file (C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc) and not solved my problem. When downloaded Hotspot Shield (VPN) I even managed to connect to the update server and download a 5% of the game, until my download limit end (limit download VPN). BNS BUDDY UPDATER/DOWNLOADER Download the updater. XIGNCODE BYPASS [OUTDATED] Download the bypasser.
Then, in the "patch" directory there's a torrent file. Download it this way, it's way more efficient, and it works at least. My torrent download stopped at 75% so i had to cancel the torrent, copy the files downloaded that way to the launcher directory and then it decided to work. Not sure if it'll help anyone. The new Launcher installation file is NCLauncher2_bltadwin.ru That is the file you want to use to install the new NC Launcher. The old Launcher installation file is BnS_Launcher_bltadwin.ru Do not use BnS_Launcher_bltadwin.ru I'm trying to download the game but unfortunately after it shows this massage-''[Update Error] Cannot download file. Please restart the Launcher. If this pro.